
SQLAlchemy - Get query results in same order as IN clause

I have a list of teams names. For every team name in the list I want to get the row from the database but I want to make only one call to the database and the list of sql alchemy objects need to preserve the order of the original list. I will have duplicated names in the original list.

I need something like this, but working(the query I'm doing obviously doesn't work since it returns everything ordered by id)

teams_names = ['Liverpool', 'Arsenal', 'Utd', 'Liverpool']
teams_sa_obj = [#sa_liverpool, #sa_arsenal, #sa_utd, #sa_liverpool]


  • I usually do the reordering in Python. The idea is that you build a map of name to Team objects, then you look them up while iterating over the original list:

    q = Session.query(Team).filter(
    team_map = { t for t in q}
    teams = [team_map[n] for n in teams_names]

    There are SQL-side solutions, but those are kind of awkward to do with SQLAlchemy.