
Maven building a jar with dependencies unpacked inside the JAR

I have a problem with jersey 2.14 and nested jars and I can't figure it out. I looked it up and turns out its a bug with jersey which is still being fixed at the moment.

As a workaround I want to be able to use maven to build a jar with all dependencies unpacked inside my jar. I don't want to have JARs inside lib directory, I want classes. And I can't seem to figure out the maven plugin to do this with.

Can anyone help me out with this?



  • I figured out my issue. I had to use a built in workout of spring boot self. The really smart people there have figured out that there maybe problematic libraries like Jersey.

    You have to use configuration element of spring-boot-maven-plugin.

    Put under any jars that will be needed by Jersey (which have dependencies on other jars)

