
Docker ARG command building Google Managed VM

Is possible pass arguments building a managed vm to use 'ARG' Docker command?.

In Dockerfile sets default value... ARG env="dev"

Building Docker container I can change this value... docker build -t test/app --build-arg env=pr .

I have two environments and I want deploy the managed vm with different configuration files in Dockerfile build process.



  • Sadly, this isn't currently supported. All of our docker build stuff right now is kind of magically integrated. There are a few options here, though none of them are quite what you're looking for.

    You can build your docker container locally, push it to, and then use the --image-url flag on gcloud app deploy.

    In the next few weeks, we're going to start using our container builder service by default for docker builds with Managed VMs. While we don't have a plan right now to expose the setting, there's a config setting that allows you to define environment variables via the container builder API. It's going to be easier to support something like this in the future.

    Hope this helps!