I updated from: 'osmdroid-android-4.3 + osmbonuspack_v5.1' to 'osmdroid-android-5.1 + osmbonuspack_v5.7'
Aswell I imported the 'osmdroid-third-party-5.1.jar'
Then I checked the source code of the OsmNavigator and found that the mapView is created different than the older version of OsmDroid:
//map = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.map);
GenericMapView genericMap = (GenericMapView) findViewById(R.id.map);
MapTileProviderBasic bitmapProvider = new MapTileProviderBasic(getApplicationContext());
map = genericMap.getMapView();
Error: GenericMapView cannot be resolved to a type
I can't do: import org.osmdroid.bonuspack.mapsforge.GenericMapView;
Question: Where do I find the package:org.osmdroid.bonuspack.mapsforge.GenericMapView;
In osmbonuspack/MapsForgeForOsmdroid
If you are including OSMBonusPack with Gradle and Jitpack, add this:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.MKergall.osmbonuspack:MapsForgeForOsmdroid:v5.7'