
Why is nvlink warning me about lack of sm_20 (compute capability 2.0) object code?

I'm working with CUDA 6.5 on a machine with a GTX Titan card (compute capability 3.5). I'm building my code with just -gencode=arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 -gencode=arch=compute_35,code=sm_35 - and when I link my binary, nvlink says:

nvlink warning : SM Arch ('sm_20') not found in '/local/eyalroz/src/foo/CMakeFiles/tester.dir/src/./'

Why is it warning me about that? Do I need sm_20 for something I'm not aware of? If it's merely about the lack of lower compute capability support, why not sm_10 as well? (Also, how do I turn off the warning, if it's gratuitous?)


  • The issue was identified in CUDA 6.5 and has been rectified I believe in CUDA 7.5. Using the latest version of CUDA should make those warnings go away.