How can I linearize (web-optimize) a random pdf with ghostscript
(v9.18)? I know there is qpdf
, but I want to explicitly use gs
Doing it with this command leads to a broken pdf which I am unable to open:
gs -dNOPAUSE -dFastWebView -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=test.pdf -dBATCH growth_in_time_debt_aer.pdf
Then perhaps you should report this as a bug ? Clearly a broken PDF is not intended behaviour, and the documentation is (to me at least) clear that the -dFastWebView switch is used to control linearisation.
Of course, why you would bother escapes me, very few viewers actually do anything useful with a linearised file, it can only improve the loading of the first page anyway, its incompatible with later versions of the specification, and it makes the file larger.....