
Python 2.7 - How to assign a Class attribute (pointer?) to a variable (Need that to create Oz-esque Dataflow Variables)

Is it even possible?

The idea is that i want to have a special variable, that does some processing when assigning or getting its values. I also want it to look like a regular variable, so the dot notation is a problem here.

I know this is not really explicit, but that's what I need in order to try to replicate the Oz-esque Dataflow Variables.

If something like these style of dataflow variables was already implemented in a python library, please let me know.


class Promise(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._value = 'defalt_value'

    def value(self):
        #some processing/logic here
        return self._value

    def value(self, value):
        #some processing/logic here
        self._value = value

my_promise_obj = Promise()
my_promise = my_promise_obj.value

my_promise = 'Please, set my_promise_obj.value to this string'

print ('Object`s Value:                  ' + my_promise_obj.value)
print ('My Variable`s value:             ' + my_promise)
print ('Has I changed the class attr?:   ' + str(my_promise == my_promise_obj))


  • This syntax could not work in Python for that purpose:

    my_promise = 'Please, set my_promise_obj.value to this string'

    the reason is that it reassigns the global/local name to point the said string; you cannot hook that assignment; and it does not even consult the object pointed to by my_promise before the assignment.

    However there is plenty to choose from; most obvious are syntaxes like

    or something utterly crazy like (just some examples of multitude of possibilities):

    could be overridden to set the value.