I have a database in MySQL created by someone. I don't have any documentation of the database.
How can I know the relationship between the tables?
Is there any query or a procedure to generate a report so that it's easy to find the relations?
I can look into Schema information and manually figure it out, but it would be great if I could generate a relationship report.
The better way as programmatically speaking is gathering data from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
table as follows:
`TABLE_SCHEMA`, -- Foreign key schema
`TABLE_NAME`, -- Foreign key table
`COLUMN_NAME`, -- Foreign key column
`REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA`, -- Origin key schema
`REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME`, -- Origin key table
`REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME` -- Origin key column
`INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` -- Will fail if user don't have privilege
`TABLE_SCHEMA` = SCHEMA() -- Detect current schema in USE
AND `REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME` IS NOT NULL; -- Only tables with foreign keys
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