
How to detach a terminal pane to a new window?

Is it possible to detach one of the terminal panes (split windows, not tabs) in terminator and move it to a new window? I know there is a workaround (see the answers below) but I'm looking for a better (more user-friendly) solution.


  • There is a workaround:

    1. Press Ctrl + Shift + i to open a new window. You need to open it like this, the workaround doesn't work if you start a new terminator process.
    2. Then you can move terminal panes from one window to another using drag & drop so you can move the pane you want to detach to the new window.
    3. Now you have two panes in the new window - one started with the window and one you moved there. Just close the original pane and you have only the pane you originally wanted to detach to a new window.

    But I'm hoping for a better way.