I'm trying to combine the Datepicker and Timepicker directives to get the date from the first and the time from the second in a combined Date object. I came across some examples that are not using these directives like this one Combining Date and Time input strings as a Date object. However when I try to apply something similar to my case it's not working. Console returns "TypeError: $scope.dt.split is not a function". Above is the function I try to use which is called by $watch.
function tryCombineDateTime() {
if ($scope.dt && $scope.mytime) {
var dateParts = $scope.dt.split('-');
var timeParts = $scope.mytime.split(':');
if (dateParts && timeParts) {
dateParts[1] -= 1;
$scope.fullDate = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(undefined, dateParts.concat(timeParts))).toISOString();
Here is a plunker showing the problem. http://plnkr.co/edit/tnbE3LWQTTzLhLWXLCQB?p=preview
I would prefer a solution based on my Plunker as I don't want to install other components like DateTimePicker.
Date format has been changed, so exception is being thrown, Try this
function tryCombineDateTime() {
if ($scope.dt && $scope.mytime) {
var date = $scope.dt.toString();
var time = $scope.mytime.toString();
var dateParts = date.split(' ');
var timeParts = time.split(' ');
if (dateParts && timeParts) {
dateParts[4] = timeParts[4]
$scope.fullDate = new Date(dateParts.join(' ')).toISOString();