If the value in the cause register is, for example, 0x00000100
, how can I obtain the type of exception that has generated that code?(from the table below)
0 Int interrupt (hardware)
4 AdEL address error exception (load or instruction fetch)
5 AdES address error exception (store)
6 IBE bus error on instruction fetch
7 DBE bus error on data load or store
8 Sys syscall exception
9 Bp breakpoint exception
10 RI reserved instruction exception
11 CpU coprocessor unimplemented
12 Ov arithmetic overfl ow exception
13 Tr trap
15 FPE fl oating point
This is described in the section named 6.16 Cause Register (CP0 Register 13, Select 0) in MIPS32™ Architecture For Programmers Volume III: The MIPS32™ Privileged Resource Architecture.
Cause Register Format
31 | 30 | 29 28 | 27 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 16 | 15 8 | 7 | 6 2 | 1 0
BD | 0 | CE | 0 | IV | WP | 0 | IP | 0 | ExcCode | 0
IP[1:0] Controls the request for software interrupts
In your example with 0x100, that means that only IP0
(bit 8) of the cause register is set, which means that the cause was a software interrupt request (software interrupt 0 to be specific).