I need to change the titles in the pager according to the items that are dynamically changing in the child fragments in the pager. I have tried it this way
TextView title = (TextView) mPagerSlidingTabStrip.getChildAt(1);
title.setText("Posts " + count);
But it doesnt seem to be working. Thanks in advance
you can use this to access textview of each tab
LinearLayout mTabsLinearLayout = ((LinearLayout) mPagerSlidingTabStrip.getChildAt(0));
for (int i = 0; i < mTabsLinearLayout.getChildCount(); i++)
TextView tv = (TextView) mTabsLinearLayout.getChildAt(i);
Now you want perticular tab's textview so
LinearLayout mTabsLinearLayout = ((LinearLayout) mPagerSlidingTabStrip.getChildAt(0));
TextView tv = (TextView) mTabsLinearLayout.getChildAt(<perticular tab position>);