So I'm trying provide my site in multiple languages.
I'd like to have an option to change the language on the page without changing the url. (Just like YouTube)
My question: How can I provide my website in multiple languages while keeping the url the same? And also have each language indexed by search engines
Here's my current idea:
My current idea is to have each page look for a language variable (will be set in either a cookie or user setting)
Then from that variable, load a file that has an array with the text of the corresponding language.
Now I just pull values from the array and put them inside of elements.
For search engines, I can set a get the language option as a get variable.
But, this method may not be the best
You store the language in a cookie. Xou are right there. Then you load a file based on the language. This file is something like XML or YAML.
XML (english):
<string id="title">My Page</string>
XML (german):
<string id="title">Meine Seite</string>
XML (klingon):
<string id="title">DutlhHo'</string> <!-- not actually klingon -->
You now just parse this.