Automatically execute migrations when publishing ASP.NET Core app


Is there any ways that I can automatically execute the migration code (EF 7) when publishing my ASP 5 application to IIS using Web Deploy?

I Tried

none worked for me.

Additional Info

I followed the instructions on this link to deploy my ASP 5 RC-1 web application to IIS using web deploy.

After doing so in the publish settings I have:

ASP 5 RC 1 publish to IIS using Web Deploy

Using web deploy in ASP 4 applications I have additional database options:

ASP 4 publish to IIS using Web Deploy


  • So I added the option -environment to my ef database command. Now it works:

    "postpublish": ["dnx ef database update -e Staging"]

    I have four different appsettings.json which different connection string for each environment. Just needed to indicate the environment for the command to work.