
Oboe.js - how to work with chainable method and retrieving ancestor value

I am using oboe.js and and i want to retrieve data from the node "sections" and also map the ancestor profile_namespace and owner_name to the data retrieve from sections node (see json file extract below).

JSON FILE EXTRACT (myjson.json):

  "data": [{
    "profile_namespace": "DS",
    "tutorial": {
      "owner_name": "Dominic",
      "picture_url": "/picture.jpg",
      "title": "The code",
      "url": "/Dominic/thecode/",
      "sections": [{
        "episode_url": "/tutorial/intro/symphony-of-war/",
        "artist": "MasterOrchestra",
        "title": "Symphony of War"
      }, {
        "episode_url": "/tutorial/mainshow/musicproductiontip1/",
        "artist": "DStone",
        "title": "Music production tip 1"
      }, {
        "episode_url": "/tutorial/outrothe/nextshow/",
        "artist": "MasterOrchestra",
        "title": "Next show"

Right now i am only able to retrieve data from the node "sections" but i saw in the documentation that .node return chainable method and that it is possible to use the notion of "ancestors" to retrieve data from the parent.

Does anyone can explain me how to use this method (see my code below)?


var oboe = require('oboe');
var fs = require('fs');
var SetList = require('fs');
var setList = [];
var showInfo = require('fs');

        'sections': function(node) {
            showInfo = fs.createWriteStream('/showInfo.json');

Thanks for your help!



  • Let me know if I misunderstood parts of your question and I update my answer.

    Using ancestors in Oboe

    The callback function you pass to a node listener will fire with three arguments. The first is the node in the tree which has been matched, the second will be an array representing the path to that node, and the third will an array of objects representing the ancestors of that node. This is documented near the end of the node-event section of the API.

        'sections': function(sections, path, ancestors) {
          var grandparent = ancestors[ancestors.length - 2];
          console.log(grandparent.owner_name); // Dominic
          var greatGrandparent = ancestors[ancestors.length - 3];
          console.log(greatGrandparent.profile_namespace); // DS

    Other things

    Here are some unrelated things I think are worth mentioning

    My suggested implementation of the code you posted

    var oboe = require('oboe');
    var fs = require('fs');
      .node('sections', function(sections, path, ancestors) {
          var mutatedSections = sections;
          // change mutatedSections however you want
          var showInfo = fs.createWriteStream('./showInfo.json');