
Can't upload archive to app store since yesterday

2 days before I successfully uploaded the archive for my application and my application is on app store, but yesterday and today when I upload the archive I see "Uploading the archive" message (with subtitle "Sending api usage to itunes connect") at the beggining, but then I see "iTunes Store operation failed. This action couldn't be completed. Try again later" :

enter image description here

When I try to upload the archive for another application, everything is OK, it's very strange, because since 2 days ago I only changed the minimum age in the application from 17 to 18 (so I didn't change everything important in the application settings).

May be in happen because we use iAd network and apple notified that this network will be unavailable since July ?

enter image description here


  • just upload the ipa with Application Loader 2.9.1, even thought the apple tell you that you should upload the ipa with xcode 7.2 or Application Load 3.0.0, but , my solution works well download Application Loader 2.9.1