
How to update JIRA issue reporter from Python

I'm trying to update the reporter of an issue using the JIRA Python API (version 1.0.3).

I am signed in (using basic auth) as a user who has full permissions, and I am trying to do it for an issue which I myself have created. The issue is successfully created, however when I call the update command, it changes the assignee rather than the reporter.

Any ideas? I have tried searching, but to no avail.

Here's my full code:

jira = JIRA('', basic_auth=('user', 'pass'))

new_issue = jira.create_issue(project='ER', summary='summary', description='desc', issuetype={'name': 'Custom Issue Type'})



  • The right syntax should be new_issue.update(reporter={'name': 'new_user'})

    The Jira documentation specify a similar example for the field assignee.