
Cannot execute binary error on an Intel Xeon Phi

I am having a C code that compiles and runs properly locally on my machine. But when I am trying to compile with the icc and the -mmic flag and test it on Intel Xeon Phi, I am getting the following message:

/cm/local/apps/sge/current/spool/node079/job_scripts/5438755: line 14: ./sequential.mic: cannot execute binary file

I run all my tests in a cluster which uses SGE job submission system.

My makefile contains these lines:

sequential: Makefile
icc -mmic -o sequential.mic sequential.c
qsub sequential.job

The job file for submitting the job is:

#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -l h_rt=00:10:00
#$ -j y
#$ -l fat,accel=XeoPhi
#$ -cwd

. /etc/bashrc

module load intel/compiler/64/13.3/2013.3.163



Any suggestions are more than welcome.


  • As the code needs to run natively on the Intel Xeon Phi, the binary also need t be loaded on the machine ahead of execution.

    Therefore, the simplest way to do that is with the following command which loads the binary and then executes.

    /usr/bin/micnativeloadex ./sequential.mic