In this link of the scikit-learn project:, it is shown how to apply polynomial interpolation to approximate a certain function for example.
This example is set for 2D-points. However:
How can it be extended to fit for 3D-points?
Or is this even possible with scikit-learn? In the documentation I couldn't find any hints yet.
Thank you in advance for any information and with best regards.
Edit 1:
Thank you Robin for your answers! Also pointing out at the rapid growth of complexity was a valuable hint!
I've stumbled on one problem so far, which is related to the 2D-array X in,z)
The 2D-array looks like that:
[[ 0.1010101 0.35353535]
[ 0.4040404 0.65656566]
[ 0.80808081 1.11111111]
[ 1.21212121 1.31313131]]
while the function z is those of an paraboloid:
(((x**2)/(4**2) + ((y**2)/(8**2))) * 2)
returns the following error message:
ValueError: Found arrays with inconsistent numbers of samples: [10 20]
From where does the inconsistency results?
Yes, the same approach can be used for higher dimensional data. Just use the same code with an X
containing more columns.
# For some degree, X and y
model = make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(degree), Ridge()), y)
To add some background info: The Polynomial Features preprocessing step just creates all possible combinations of your features. This means even for a 2d input and degree 2 the feature space is already 6 dimensional (1, a, b, a*b, a*a, b*b)
. With more features this number grows even more rapidly.
For your second question, the fit
function only accepts vectors and not functions.
Therefore create a vector y = z(X[:,0],X[:,1])
and use this in the fit function instead,y)