In the RDF Turtle documentation from W3C I came across two examples (16 and 17) where an email address was used as an IRI:
_:b <> <> .
As I understand it, email addresses are allowed as URIs when preceded with the appropriate scheme, i.e.
. If the email address in the above example should be a valid URI then the statement should actually read:
_:b <> <> .
Is this an error in the documentation or do IRIs (as opposed to URIs) not require a scheme?
While I think it makes more sense to use something like in these examples, it appears that they're still syntactically legal. They're just resolved as relative URIs against the base. E.g., when I use Jena's rdfcat to convert from Turtle I get the following output in Turtle and RDF/XML.
@prefix : <urn:ex:> .
@base <> .
:a :hasEmail <>.
Output in Turtle and RDF/XML:
@prefix : <urn:ex:> .
:a :hasEmail <> .
<rdf:Description rdf:about="urn:ex:a">
<hasEmail rdf:resource=""/>