
Agile-methodology in Project and Query-Driven methodology in Cassandra?

We want to start a new project. Our DB will be Cassandra; and we do our project in a scrum team, based on agile.
My question is that, one of the most important issue is changes, that agile can handle this.

Agile software development teams embrace change, accepting the idea that requirements will evolve throughout a project. Agilists understand that because requirements evolve over time that any early investment in detailed documentation will only be wasted.

But we have:

Changes to just one of these query requirements will frequently warrant a data model change for maximum efficiency.

in Basic Rules of Cassandra Data Modeling article.
How can we manage our project gathering both rules together? the first one accept changes, but, the second one, want us to know every query that will be answered in our project. New requirements, causes new queries, that will changes our DB, and it will influence the quality(throughput).


  • How can we manage our project gathering both rules together? the first one accept changes easily, but, the second one, want us to know every query that will be answered in our project. New requirements, causes new queries, that will changes our DB, and it will influence the quality

    The first rule does not suggest you accept changes easily just that you accept that changes to requirements will be a fact of life. Ie, you need to decide how to deal with that, rather than try to ignore it ore require sign off on final requirements up front.

    I'd suggest you make part of your 'definition of done' (What you agree a piece of code must meet to be considered complete within a sprint) to include the requirements for changes to your DB code. This may mean changes to this code get higher estimates to allow you to complete the work in the sprint. In this way you are open to change, and have a plan to make sure it doesn't disrupt your work.