
Get multiple counts from multiple columns with multiple conditions using just one eloquent query in Laravel

I need to count several values from the same table. I am currently repeating each query and just modifying the where() clause. This works, but it's hardly using a DRY approach.

This is my current method for calling and returning each required count:

$one = DB::table('stores')->where('store_id', '1')->count();
$two = DB::table('stores')->where('store_id', '2')->count();
$three = DB::table('stores')->where('store_id', '3')->count();
$four = DB::table('stores')->count();
$dutch = DB::table('stores')->where('country', 'Netherlands')->count();
$swedish = DB::table('stores')->where('country', 'Sweden')->count();

return View::make('retailers.index', compact('one','two','three', 'four', 'dutch','swedish'));

My view, I call like so:

{{ $one }}, {{ $two }}, {{ $three }} etc etc

Is there a more suitable approach here then having to make a query for every count to the one table?


  • You can use the following query:

    $results= DB::table('stores')
                 ->select('store_id', DB::raw('count(*) as count'))

    Now in your view, you can loop through it.

    @foreach($results as $result)
      {{  $result->store_id  }} 
      {{  $result->count  }}