I have been trying to write a multiuser dungeon using MUD-PI and im stuck at making a combat command i would like to have it be something like kill [monster] an example would be like kill troll.
Here is my code for the command
elif command == "kill":
mn = params.lower()
rm = rooms[players[id]["room"]]
if rm["enemy"] == 'yes':
if mn in rm["monsterName"]:
monster = mn
if monster.hp >= 0:
mud.send_message(id,"You attack %s for %d damage" % (rm["monsterName"], players[id]["ATK"]))
monster.hp -= players[id]["ATK"]
mud.send_message(id, "you dont see a %s" % mn)
mud.send_message(id, "you dont see an enemy")
Here is my rooms code.
import sys, random, os
#import monsters
from Monsters import *
# structure defining the rooms in the game. Try adding more rooms to the game!
rooms = {
"Tavern": {
"description": "You're in a cozy tavern warmed by an open fire.",
"exits": { "outside": "Outside" },
"Outside": {
"description": "You're standing outside a tavern. there is a troll.",
"exits": { "inside": "Tavern" },
"enemy": "yes",
"monsterName": {"troll": troll },
And my Monster code.
import sys,random,os,time
class Troll():
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Troll"
self.ATK = 2
self.hp = 10
self.max_hp = 10
def death(self):
mud.send_message(id,"you killed the troll")
self.hp = self.max_hp
troll = Troll()
when i try the kill command i get this error.
if monster.hp >= 0:
AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'hp'
i want to know if there is a better way to do this if so how and if not how i can fix my problem here.
Are you sure you want the line
monster = mn
which assigns the name of the monster to monster
instead of its object. I would think it needs to looks something more like
monster = rm["monsterName"][mn]