I have a custom service for generating token, in this service I need to use an MD5 function, the MD5 function is in the module angular-md5
here is my service code, the generate_token
function use md5.createhash()
from the angular module but I'm getting ths error : TypeError: Cannot read property 'createHash' of undefined
I think I have made something wrong but I can't see what
angular.module('app.services', ['angular-md5'])
.service('Auth', [function($scope, md5){
var self = this;
this.rand_alphanumeric = function() {
var subsets = [];
subsets[0] = [48, 57]; // ascii digits
subsets[1] = [65, 90]; // ascii uppercase English letters
subsets[2] = [97, 122]; // ascii lowercase English letters
// random choice between lowercase, uppercase, and digits
s = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 0
ascii_code = Math.floor(Math.random() * (subsets[s][1] - subsets[s][0] + 1) + subsets[s][0]);
return String.fromCharCode(ascii_code);
this.generateToken = function() {
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
str += self.rand_alphanumeric();
return md5.createHash(str);
You are not using the dependency array injection properly
Try this
angular.module('app.services', ['angular-md5'])
.service('Auth', ['$scope','md5',function($scope, md5){
var self = this;