
NativeCall Struct which contains Pointer

I have the following Struct :

typedef struct _info{
  DWORD myInfo;
  BYTE  *pInfo;
  LPWSTR ExtData;

} Info;

I represented this struct using NativeCall thus:

class Info is repr('CStruct') {
    has int32 $.myInfo;
    has Pointer[int8] $.pInfo ; 
    has Pointer[int16] $.ExtData;

Is this representation okay? How can I access and set the data which is pointed to by $.pInfo?


  • The representation seems ok to me... Given this invented C library: (please don't pick on my C foo - its beside the point)

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    typedef unsigned long int DWORD;
    typedef unsigned char BYTE;
    typedef char * LPWSTR;
    typedef struct _info{
      DWORD   myInfo;
      BYTE   *pInfo;
      LPWSTR  ExtData;
    } Info;
    Info* create_info();
    void  display_info();
    void  double_info(Info*);
    create_info() {
        DWORD init_myinfo    = 2016;
        BYTE  init_pinfo     = 37;
        char  init_ExtData[] = "Hello World";
        Info *new_info = malloc(sizeof(Info));
        if (new_info == NULL) {
            printf( "Memory alloc failed\n" );
        new_info->myInfo = init_myinfo;
        BYTE *pinfo = malloc(sizeof(BYTE));
        *pinfo = init_pinfo;
        new_info->pInfo = pinfo;
        char *ext_data = malloc(sizeof(init_ExtData));
        strcpy(ext_data, init_ExtData);
        new_info->ExtData = ext_data;
        return new_info;
    display_info(Info *inf) {
        printf("myInfo: %lu\n", inf->myInfo);
        printf("pInfo:  %i\n", *inf->pInfo);
        printf("ExtData: %s\n", inf->ExtData);
    double_info(Info *inf) {
        inf->myInfo *=  2;
        if ( *(inf->pInfo) < 128 )
            *(inf->pInfo) *= 2;
        int extdata_len = strlen(inf->ExtData);
        char *tmp_extdata = malloc(extdata_len * 2 + 2);
        strncpy(tmp_extdata, inf->ExtData, extdata_len);
        tmp_extdata[extdata_len] = '+';
        strcpy(&tmp_extdata[extdata_len+1], inf->ExtData);
        inf->ExtData = tmp_extdata;

    then your Raku struct definition using NativeCall more or less works:

    #!/usr/bin/env raku
    use NativeCall;
    class Info is repr('CStruct') {
        has int32          $.myInfo;
        has Pointer[int8]  $.pInfo ;
        has Pointer[Str]   $.ExtData;
        method Str {
          qq:to/END HERE/;
          myInfo: $!myInfo
          pInfo: { $!pInfo.deref }
          ExtData: { $!ExtData.deref }
          END HERE
    our sub create_info()  returns Info is native('pinfo') { * }
    our sub display_info(Info) is native('pinfo') { * }
    our sub double_info(Info is rw) is native('pinfo') { * }
    my Info $inf = create_info();
    say 'Displaying $inf after calling create_info()';
    display_info $inf;
    double_info $inf;
    say 'Displaying $inf after calling double_info()';
    display_info $inf;
    say 'Displaying $inf by calling attribute methods on Raku object';
    say "myInfo: $inf.myInfo()";
    say "pInfo: $inf.pInfo.deref()";
    say "ExtData: $inf.ExtData.deref()";
    say 'Displaying $inf by stringifying Raku object';
    say "$inf";
    exit 0;

    A run of this produces;

    Displaying $inf after calling create_info()
    myInfo: 2016
    pInfo:  37
    ExtData: Hello World
    Displaying $inf after calling double_info()
    myInfo: 4032
    pInfo:  74
    ExtData: Hello World+Hello World
    Displaying $inf by calling attribute methods on Raku object
    myInfo: 4032
    pInfo: 74
    ExtData: Hello World+Hello World
    Displaying $inf by stringifying Raku object
    myInfo: 4032
    pInfo: 74
    ExtData: Hello World+Hello World

    Alternatively, one can hide more of the 'glue' inside the Raku class;

    #!/usr/bin/env raku
    use NativeCall;
    class Info is repr('CStruct') {
        has int32          $.myInfo is rw ;
        has Pointer[int8]  $!pInfo ;
        has Pointer[Str]   $!ExtData ;
        my sub create_info() returns Info is native('pinfo') { * }
        my sub display_info(Info)         is native('pinfo') { * }
        my sub double_info(Info is rw)    is native('pinfo') { * }
        method new     {  create_info()      }
        method display {  display_info(self) }
        method double  {  double_info(self)  }
        method pInfo   {  $!pInfo.deref      }
        method ExtData {  $!ExtData.deref    }
        method Str {
            qq:to/END HERE/;
            myInfo: {  self.myInfo  }
            pInfo: {   self.pInfo   }
            ExtData: { self.ExtData }
            END HERE
    my Info $inf .= new;
    say 'Displaying $inf after calling .new';
    $inf.display ;
    $inf.double ;
    say 'Displaying $inf after calling .double';
    $inf.display ;
    say 'Displaying $inf by calling attribute methods on Raku object';
    say "myInfo: $inf.myInfo()";
    say "pInfo: $inf.pInfo()";
    say "ExtData: $inf.ExtData()";
    $inf.myInfo = 12046 ;
    say 'Displaying $inf by stringifying Raku object';
    say "$inf";
    exit 0;

    ... a much cleaner look. It similarly produces;

    Displaying $inf after calling .new
    myInfo: 2016
    pInfo:  37
    ExtData: Hello World
    Displaying $inf after calling .double
    myInfo: 4032
    pInfo:  74
    ExtData: Hello World+Hello World
    Displaying $inf by calling attribute methods on Raku object
    myInfo: 4032
    pInfo: 74
    ExtData: Hello World+Hello World
    Displaying $inf by stringifying Raku object
    myInfo: 12046
    pInfo: 74
    ExtData: Hello World+Hello World


    (1) You call the .deref() method on attributes of type Pointer to get the actual data being pointed to.

    (2) The NativeCall documentation has to be read more than once ;-)

    (3) No matter what I tried, I couldn't modify the data being referenced via pointers - I kept getting "Can't modify immutable data".

    (4) YMMV