I would like to configure Push notifications for a Xamarin Forms Windows 8.1 Silverlight project. Originally I was using MPNS but am attempting to switch over to WNS. Switching over I am now running into an error when I am attempting to call the method to register my device to Azures notification hub.
The line im calling that throws the error is:
await App.MobileService.GetPush().RegisterAsync(channel.Uri);
and the error thrown is:
The type name 'MobileService' does not exist in the type 'App'
I have the NuGet package Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices installed but apparently this doesn't contain the definition.
I am following the following guide to setup my push notifications (Under the section "Add push notifications to your app"):
I've also looked up how to do this on other sites and I don't see much difference to the instructions, nor do I see what I might be missing...
Anyhow if anyone has any ideas what package or reference I might be missing (or what else might be wrong with that call) I'd appreciate the help! Thanks!
In case anyone runs into this issue I solved this problem adding:
public static MobileServiceClient MobileService = new MobileServiceClient(Utilities.Constants.ApplicationURL, Utilities.Constants.ApplicationKey);
and updating my call like so:
await MobileService.GetPush().RegisterNativeAsync(channelUri);
Hope this helps!