
Why do we need to use folly::fbvector instead of std::vector with allocator which reserve large uncommited area initially?

As known, if we push_back elements to the std::vector<>, and if the whole memory allocated in the vector is occupied, then std::vector<> reserves 2X of current size of memory (allocate new memory with 2X size), resize vector and copy old data to the new memory.

We can optimizing it, and Facebook done this in folly-library (FBVector is Facebook's drop-in implementation of std::vector. It has special optimizations for use with relocatable types and jemalloc https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/FBVector.h#L21 ).

I.e. when vector<> does not have enough memory to push_back new element, then we allocate more memory but not in 2 times more (in a different number of times: 1.3 - 1.5 times)

Description: https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/docs/FBVector.md

The graphical solver below reveals that choosing k = 1.5 (blue line) allows memory reuse after 4 reallocations, choosing k = 1.45 (red line) allows memory reuse after 3 reallocations, and choosing k = 1.3 (black line) allows reuse after only 2 reallocations.

enter image description here

But why do we need to use folly::fbvector<> instead of std::vector<> with our custom allocator which using VirtualAllocEx() (as shown here: For what do I need to use VirtualAlloc/VirtualAllocEx? ), or the same in linux https://stackoverflow.com/a/2782910/1558037 , where:


The advantages of this approach with large un-commited area over the folly::vector<>: always we allocate only new part of memory and never copying old data.

The advantages of folly::vector<> approach over the std::vector<>: sometimes we do not need to allocate new memory, but copying the old data into the new memory should always.


  • This is implementation-specific. GCC library does allocate twice as much, but Visual C++ does not. I believe, it uses 1.5 as well, not sure though.

    I believe, folly is supposed to be operation-system agnostic, your approach is Windows/Linux-specific.

    Object moving from old vector to the new one should be not that terrible if you choose your types carefully - that is, use std::unique_ptr as a data type.