I am making a Tetris kind of game, where I want my blocks to fall at a constant velocity. I want to achieve it using SpriteKit Physics Words Gravity.
Problem is that gravity is necessarily acceleration and hence block start to move faster as they fall. I know I can turn gravity off and use actions to move the block but I wish to do it with gravity.
Is there a way to make the gravitational force in SpriteKit world a linear constant velocity?
Using the default physics you will not achieve what you are looking for.
In the definition of Gravity in Spite Kit is clear that is a acceleration, so is no possible to achieve linear speed with it.
A vector that specifies the gravitational acceleration applied to physics bodies in the physics world.
But, you can have some workarounds to achieve the behavior you want.
I Think the best way to do it, with gravity working as default, is by limiting the maximum speed.
2 - Limit the maximum Speed
In didSimulatePhysics(), you can verify the speed of the object, and limit it.
Like this (Credits to @Andrew, in the original post)
- (void)didSimulatePhysics {
if (node.physicsBody.velocity.x < MAX_SPEED_X) {
node.physicsBody.velocity = CGVectorMake(MAX_SPEED_X, MAX_SPEED_Y);