I'm developing an application that uses an online payment. I open the link, for the payment, in a browser using: Device.OpenUri(Uri);
. When the user has finished paying for his order he gets redirected to an Android Activity using a custom URL scheme:
[Activity(Label = "Urlentryclass", ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait, Icon = "@drawable/icon",
MainLauncher = false, ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize | ConfigChanges.Orientation)]
[IntentFilter(new[] {Android.Content.Intent.ActionView},
DataScheme = "test",
Categories = new[] {Android.Content.Intent.CategoryDefault, Android.Content.Intent.CategoryBrowsable})]
public class Urlentryclass : FormsAppCompatActivity
How do I navigate to a certain Forms content page from this activity? I try to open a certain page using the following code example (It's done by using an Event Handler).
Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationMenu(sisowStatus, modelStatus)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Followed by this.finish();
Hower, the view that's being showed is the last view that was opened before the browser shows.
It seems that Navigation.PushAsync
doesn't affect the view that's being showed. I've try PopAsync
, PopToRootAsync
but nothing seems to be working.
For those that are interested in the Event Handler, here it is:
public static class PaymentNavigationHelper
public delegate void PaymentExecutedHandler(string sisowStatus, string orderStatus);
public static event PaymentExecutedHandler OnPaymentExecuted;
public static void PaymentExecuted(string sisowStatus, string orderStatus)
OnPaymentExecuted?.Invoke(sisowStatus, orderStatus);
I'm subsribing to the event on the Content Page where I'm starting the payment:
PaymentNavigationHelper.OnPaymentExecuted += (sisowStatus, modelStatus) =>
Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationMenu(sisowStatus, modelStatus)).ConfigureAwait(false);
In the activity which handles the payment url, the following code is being used:
PaymentNavigationHelper.PaymentExecuted(status, test.Model.FirstOrDefault().Status);
Any advice is highly appreciated.
Question answered on following link: