
return more than one elements with XQuery:invalid expression

I use zorba as XQuery processor. I am trying to figure out how to return more than one elements with XQuery. Then I found this.

xml doc:


xqy doc:

let $last :="Proj"
<table frame="box">
for $person in ( doc("test.xml")/data/person\[last=$last\] )

command line:

$ zorba -i -f -q test.xqy
test.xqy>:13,45: static error [err:XPST0003]: invalid expression: syntax error: unexpected character "\"; raised at /tmp/zorba20151126-72875-uij83f/zorba-3.0/src/compiler/api/compiler_api.cpp:252

I am pretty new to XQuery. Could someone point out how to make this work?


  • Zorba is complaining about this expression in your for clause:


    The backslashes are not valid XQuery or XPath; removing them will leave you a valid expression:


    Update: here's a breakdown of the expression:

    To further deconstruct the XPath steps /data and /person:

    To further deconstruct the predicate [last=$last]:

    In summary, the predicate [last=$last] will evaluate to true for any <person/> element that contains a <last/> element with a string value equal to "Proj".