
Open app after installation from pkg file in Mac

I've created a file from XCode 7.1 and converted it to pkg file and signed it using the product build command and it worked fine. But now the problem is, when I install the pkg the app does not start automatically after installation. Do I need to include any other arguments in my command to make this work? Below is the command that I use to create and sign the pkg.

productbuild --component /Applications SampleApp.pkg

productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: xxxxx" SampleApp.pkg SampleApp_signed.pkg


I've also tried to add a postinstall script but that didnt seem to work, I'm not sure if its the problem with my script or command

pkgbuild --root --identifier com.companyname.SampleApp --scripts --install-location /Applications/ SampleApp.pkg

productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: xxxxx" SampleApp.pkg SampleApp_signed.pkg

My file


open -a /Applications/

exit 0


  • Usually you would create a postinstall script, and include it with the --scripts option.

    --scripts scripts-path

    The contents of scripts-path is added to the product archive for use by commands in the distribution. This is valid only for product archives targeted to the OS X Installer application.

    So a (very) basic example of postinstall could launch an app by:

    open /path/to/your/app
    exit 0