
Missing required architecture arm64

I have been running my app fine on a ipad mini throughout development but tried testing it on an iPad air 2 today and it wont run. I get the following warning

ignoring file /ProjectFolder/SwiftEverlive/EverliveSDK.framework/EverliveSDK, missing required architecture arm64 in file /ProjectFolder/SwiftEverlive/EverliveSDK.framework/EverliveSDK (2 slices)

my architectures settigs in my project enter image description here

It also doesn’t run on the simulator. I also tried opening the project in the Swift everlive folder but that won't open. It says its missing the project.pbxproj file

To be honest did not understand the other answers for similar questions here. Sorry very new to iOS dev.

Edit The problem seems to be in the settings of the Telerik Everlive Framework and how that was complied is sthere any way i cam fixthis as i dont have time for them to suggest a solution.


  • I am guessing this means that you are trying to use a framework, namely EverliveSDK, that has not been compiled for a the new 64 bit arm processor in the iPad Air 2. Framework files come with a lot of precompiled code - sometimes intended to be proprietary - and if it hasn't been compiled for your target architecture then you cannot use that framework on that architecture.