First of all, thanks for any effort to try and answer the question. From the current application injector (play.api.Play.current.injector), how do I get a Named instance of a class? I tried to cast the injector to a ScalaInjector (net.codingwell.scalaguice.InjectorExtensions.ScalaInjector) and to Guice Injector (, both unsuccessful. The problem is that there are only 3 methods to instantiate a class, all of them are overloaded instanceOf[T]
For a normal dependency you would do
When you want to retrieve a named dependency you can do
val qualifier = Some(QualifierInstance(Names.named("name")))
val bindingKey = BindingKey[ProjectRepo](Class[ProjectRepo], qualifier)
Anyway you should only use the injector directly in very rare cases, makes sure there is not a simpler way to retrieve your dependencies.