I need an alerting system where I could have my own metric and threshold to report for anomalies (basically alerting on the basis of logs and data in DB). I explored Bosun but not sure how to make it work. I have following issues:-
By Items I think you mean metrics. Bosun learns about metrics, and their tag relationships when you do one of the following:
There are also metadata routes, which tell bosun about the metric, such as counter/gauge, unit, and description.
The logstash datasource will be deprecated in favor of an elastic datasource in the coming 0.5.0 release. But it is replaced by an elastic one is better (but requires ES 2+). To use those expressions see the raw documentation (bosun.org docs will updated next release): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bosun-monitor/bosun/master/docs/expressions.md. To add it you would have something like the following in the config:
The functions to query various backends are only loaded into the expression library when the backend is configured.