I am using the AXL API with PHP, and I want to make an application that allows the user to set the forward to voicemail feature on cisco call manager for an extension. However, I cannot find a good tutorial or documentation on the updateLine() function. Any advice?
updateLine() function takes data as argument. Format of data to set forward all to voicemail is:
$data = array("pattern"=>$extension,"callForwardAll"=>array("forwardToVoiceMail"=true))
Howto articles https://developer.cisco.com/site/axl/learn/how-to/index.gsp
Create php soap client https://developer.cisco.com/site/axl/learn/how-to/axl-php-primer.gsp
All available functions with information on data structure required https://developer.cisco.com/site/axl/develop-and-test/documentation/latest-version/axl-soap.gsp