
Where did GMSPlacesClient.lookUpPhotosForPlaceID go?

I'm currently experimenting with the Google Places API on swift, following the official doc : .

My app is already using successfully the Google Maps API (so no installation problem), now I'm trying to fetch photos of a given place, using the provided sample code. However, it would seem that the lookUpPhotosForPlaceID simply does not exist anymore... XCode shows the following error:

Value of type 'GMSPlacesClient' has no member 'lookUpPhotosForPlaceID'

on the line

  GMSPlacesClient.sharedClient().lookUpPhotosForPlaceID(placeID) { (photos, error) -> Void in

Same for the loadPlacePhoto function called afterwards!

If anyone has any idea has for why this thing doesn't work, I would greatly appreciate it!


  • I'm an engineer on the Places API for iOS team.

    Sorry about this. We released a version (1.12.0) of the SDK with this feature, but noticed some problems and rolled it back in version 1.12.1. We now have a new release out which fixes the issue and adds lookUpPhotosForPlaceID. If you upgrade to version 1.12.2, you should see it again.