When you click on each button, it just calls a modal so you can edit or delete an event. I am having trouble passing in the event from the view.
This is in the controller:
$scope.eventRender = function (event, element, view) {
$scope.uiConfig = {
eventRender: $scope.eventRender
This is the service the eventRender is calling:
app.service('calendarEventService', function () {
this.formatWeekEvent = function (event) {
return <a whole bunch of html to render the button> +
'<a ng-click="editActivityModal(event, $event)">Edit</a>' +
'<a ng-click="deleteActivityModal(event, $event)">Delete</a>'
The event itself gets passed into the service, but when the editActivityModal or deleteActivityModal gets called, the event is not being passed and I only get undefined, however, the $event is being passed (this is just to use the preventDefault and stopPropagation stuff)
Found a solution to this as follows:
In the returning html add a css class to bind a click event in the eventRender function:
app.service('calendarEventService', function () {
this.formatWeekEvent = function (event) {
return <a whole bunch of html to render the button> +
'<a class="editEvent">Edit</a>' +
'<a class="deleteEvent">Delete</a>';
In the eventRender function:
$scope.eventRender = function (event, element, view) {
element.find(".editEvent").bind('click', function () {
return false;
element.find(".deleteEvent").bind('click', function () {
return false;