I have been tinkering with deployd on Heroku using this gist as a starting point:
Line 20 of that server.js
tries to set transports for socket.io like so:
server.sockets.manager.settings.transports = ["xhr-polling"];
But encounters this error:
Cannot read property 'settings' of undefined.
From research so far it seems this approach is deprecated in socket.io 1.4.5. However, if that's so I am not clear on how I should address this setting.
My question is similar to this one. But differs in that I seek to change the settings once socket.io is already constructed by and attached to an instance of deployd.
Set it on creation:
var server = deployd({
socketIo: {
options: { transports : ['xhr-polling'] }
Or if you can't do that, change it runtime (this is a hack):
server.sockets.server.eio.transports = ['xhr-polling'];
(This is still supported for backwards compatibility:)
server.sockets.server.set('transports', ['xhr-polling']);