
Remove whitespace from SVG

I cannot find a way to alter the code below to remove the whitespace from a SVG image. What should I modify or remove to achieve this? I am editing the code using this website:

How the SVG image looks like with this code: See here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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        <g transform="matrix(1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0)">

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            <path fill="#6C0B0B" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M 226.05 57.25 L 223.5 62.4 L 221.9 61.85 L 220.45 67.2 C 220.85 67.36666 221.20001 67.6 221.5 67.9 L 221.85 68.25 L 230.45 60.6 C 231.85 62.166668 232.85 63.9 233.45 65.8 L 233.45 65.9 L 235.95 65.9 L 236.4 66.15 L 236.9 68.4 C 235.96666 68.86667 235.01666 69.35 234.05 69.85 L 234.05 69.95 L 234.05 70.3 C 234.05 72.23333 233.73334 74.01666 233.1 75.65 L 235.3 78.35 L 233.85 80.2 L 230.95 79.35 L 229.85 80.55 L 228.05 82.1 L 227.85 82.2 L 225.35 78.55 C 223.61667 79.75 221.61667 80.35 219.35 80.35 L 219.25 80.35 L 219.0 84.7 L 218.75 84.7 L 216.65 84.45 L 214.7 87.15 L 212.3 86.35 L 212.3 82.8 L 213.6 80.55 C 214.46666 81.01667 215.4 81.36667 216.4 81.6 L 218.45 74.35 L 217.1 73.7 L 214.5 77.25 L 213.5 76.35 L 212.6 75.35 L 207.8 78.75 L 205.55 80.35 L 203.85 78.2 L 206.05 75.5 C 205.45 73.9 205.15 72.16667 205.15 70.3 L 208.85 70.3 L 209.05 68.0 C 209.45 65.96667 210.43333 64.166664 212.0 62.6 C 212.53334 62.033333 213.11667 61.566666 213.75 61.2 L 211.7 58.1 C 213.43333 56.93333 215.35 56.216663 217.45 55.95 L 218.3 52.9 L 220.9 52.9 L 221.7 55.95 C 223.23334 56.11667 224.68333 56.550003 226.05 57.25 Z M 219.0 84.7 L 219.0 84.75 Z M 208.85 70.3 L 208.85 70.25 Z M 217.8 68.2 L 218.15 67.9 L 214.9 62.95 L 213.5 64.1 C 212.23334 65.36667 211.43333 66.816666 211.1 68.45 L 217.15 69.75 C 217.18333 69.15 217.40001 68.63333 217.8 68.2 Z M 231.0 75.55 C 231.76666 73.916664 232.15 72.13333 232.15 70.2 L 232.1 68.65 L 223.85 69.7 L 223.9 70.25 C 223.9 70.88333 223.78333 71.46667 223.55 72.0 L 231.0 75.55 Z"/>



  • Adjust the viewBox so that it just covers the area you want. I've done most of it below, you could tighten if further if you need to.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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            <radialGradient id="Grad1" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" gradientTransform="matrix(0.0021972656 0.0 0.0 0.0040893555 120.8 38.55)" r="819.2" cx="0" cy="0">
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            <g transform="matrix(1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0)">
                <path fill="#DC0100" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M 232.05 57.75 L 230.45 60.6 L 221.85 68.25 L 221.5 67.9 C 221.2 67.6 220.84999 67.36666 220.45 67.2 L 221.9 61.85 L 223.5 62.4 L 226.05 57.25 L 227.2 57.85 L 229.95 55.95 L 232.05 57.75 Z M 227.85 82.2 L 226.65 83.0 L 226.65 86.35 L 224.2 87.15 L 222.5 84.45 L 219.6 84.75 L 219.0 84.7 L 219.25 80.35 L 219.35 80.35 C 221.61667 80.35 223.61667 79.75 225.35 78.55 L 227.85 82.2 Z M 212.3 82.8 C 211.23334 82.166664 210.25 81.416664 209.35 80.55 L 207.8 78.75 L 212.6 75.35 L 213.5 76.35 L 214.5 77.25 L 217.1 73.7 L 218.45 74.35 L 216.4 81.6 C 215.4 81.36667 214.46666 81.01667 213.6 80.55 L 212.3 82.8 Z M 205.15 70.3 L 201.75 68.9 L 202.25 65.6 L 205.85 65.6 C 206.45 63.8 207.4 62.15 208.7 60.65 L 207.25 58.15 L 209.1 56.2 L 211.7 58.1 L 213.75 61.2 C 213.11667 61.566666 212.53334 62.033333 212.0 62.6 C 210.43333 64.166664 209.45 65.96667 209.05 68.0 L 208.85 70.25 L 205.15 70.3 Z M 208.85 70.25 L 208.85 70.3 Z M 218.15 67.9 L 217.8 68.2 C 217.4 68.63333 217.18332 69.15 217.15 69.75 L 211.1 68.45 C 211.43333 66.816666 212.23334 65.36667 213.5 64.1 L 214.9 62.95 L 218.15 67.9 Z M 232.15 70.2 C 232.15 72.13333 231.76666 73.916664 231.0 75.55 L 223.55 72.0 C 223.78333 71.46667 223.9 70.88333 223.9 70.25 L 223.85 69.7 L 232.1 68.65 L 232.15 70.2 Z"/>
                <path fill="#6C0B0B" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M 226.05 57.25 L 223.5 62.4 L 221.9 61.85 L 220.45 67.2 C 220.85 67.36666 221.20001 67.6 221.5 67.9 L 221.85 68.25 L 230.45 60.6 C 231.85 62.166668 232.85 63.9 233.45 65.8 L 233.45 65.9 L 235.95 65.9 L 236.4 66.15 L 236.9 68.4 C 235.96666 68.86667 235.01666 69.35 234.05 69.85 L 234.05 69.95 L 234.05 70.3 C 234.05 72.23333 233.73334 74.01666 233.1 75.65 L 235.3 78.35 L 233.85 80.2 L 230.95 79.35 L 229.85 80.55 L 228.05 82.1 L 227.85 82.2 L 225.35 78.55 C 223.61667 79.75 221.61667 80.35 219.35 80.35 L 219.25 80.35 L 219.0 84.7 L 218.75 84.7 L 216.65 84.45 L 214.7 87.15 L 212.3 86.35 L 212.3 82.8 L 213.6 80.55 C 214.46666 81.01667 215.4 81.36667 216.4 81.6 L 218.45 74.35 L 217.1 73.7 L 214.5 77.25 L 213.5 76.35 L 212.6 75.35 L 207.8 78.75 L 205.55 80.35 L 203.85 78.2 L 206.05 75.5 C 205.45 73.9 205.15 72.16667 205.15 70.3 L 208.85 70.3 L 209.05 68.0 C 209.45 65.96667 210.43333 64.166664 212.0 62.6 C 212.53334 62.033333 213.11667 61.566666 213.75 61.2 L 211.7 58.1 C 213.43333 56.93333 215.35 56.216663 217.45 55.95 L 218.3 52.9 L 220.9 52.9 L 221.7 55.95 C 223.23334 56.11667 224.68333 56.550003 226.05 57.25 Z M 219.0 84.7 L 219.0 84.75 Z M 208.85 70.3 L 208.85 70.25 Z M 217.8 68.2 L 218.15 67.9 L 214.9 62.95 L 213.5 64.1 C 212.23334 65.36667 211.43333 66.816666 211.1 68.45 L 217.15 69.75 C 217.18333 69.15 217.40001 68.63333 217.8 68.2 Z M 231.0 75.55 C 231.76666 73.916664 232.15 72.13333 232.15 70.2 L 232.1 68.65 L 223.85 69.7 L 223.9 70.25 C 223.9 70.88333 223.78333 71.46667 223.55 72.0 L 231.0 75.55 Z"/>