
Error importing map with osm2pgsql

I've been following this guide to setting up my own osm node.

I've gone trough all the compiles and configurations with no complications (twice) but in both runs I ended up with the following error

Using built-in tag processing pipeline
Using projection SRS 3857 (Spherical Mercator)
Setting up table: planet_osm_point
Osm2pgsql failed due to ERROR: CREATE TABLE planet_osm_point (osm_id int8,"access" text,"addr:housename" text,"addr:housenumber" text,"addr:interpolation" text,"admin_level" text,"aerialway" text,"aeroway" text,"amenity" text,"area" text,"barrier" text,"bicycle" text,"brand" text,"bridge" text,"boundary" text,"building" text,"capital" text,"construction" text,"covered" text,"culvert" text,"cutting" text,"denomination" text,"disused" text,"ele" text,"embankment" text,"foot" text,"generator:source" text,"harbour" text,"highway" text,"historic" text,"horse" text,"intermittent" text,"junction" text,"landuse" text,"layer" text,"leisure" text,"lock" text,"man_made" text,"military" text,"motorcar" text,"name" text,"natural" text,"office" text,"oneway" text,"operator" text,"place" text,"poi" text,"population" text,"power" text,"power_source" text,"public_transport" text,"railway" text,"ref" text,"religion" text,"route" text,"service" text,"shop" text,"sport" text,"surface" text,"toll" text,"tourism" text,"tower:type" text,"tunnel" text,"water" text,"waterway" text,"wetland" text,"width" text,"wood" text,"z_order" int4,way geometry(POINT,3857) ) WITH ( autovacuum_enabled = FALSE ) failed: ERROR:  type "geometry" does not exist
LINE 1: ... text,"width" text,"wood" text,"z_order" int4,way geometry(P...

I've gone trough the database configuration again and everything seems to be in order. Any ideas how to debug/fix this?



  • The type "geometry" does not exist part clearly states that you have no postgis extension installed.

    Maybe you missed/forgot following part of the tutorial on creating extension in postgres db?

    substitute your username for username below