
What are good reasons for choosing invariance in an API like Stream.reduce()?

Reviewing Java 8 Stream API design, I was surprised by the generic invariance on the Stream.reduce() arguments:

<U> U reduce(U identity,
             BiFunction<U,? super T,U> accumulator,
             BinaryOperator<U> combiner)

A seemingly more versatile version of the same API might have applied covariance / contravariance on individual references to U, such as:

<U> U reduce(U identity,
             BiFunction<? super U, ? super T, ? extends U> accumulator,
             BiFunction<? super U, ? super U, ? extends U> combiner)

This would allow for the following, which isn't possible, currently:

// Assuming we want to reuse these tools all over the place:
BiFunction<Number, Number, Double> numberAdder =
    (t, u) -> t.doubleValue() + u.doubleValue();

// This currently doesn't work, but would work with the suggestion
Stream<Number> stream = Stream.of(1, 2L, 3.0);
double sum = stream.reduce(0.0, numberAdder, numberAdder);

Workaround, use method references to "coerce" the types into the target type:

double sum = stream.reduce(0.0, numberAdder::apply, numberAdder::apply);

C# doesn't have this particular problem, as Func(T1, T2, TResult) is defined as follows, using declaration-site variance, which means that any API using Func gets this behaviour for free:

public delegate TResult Func<in T1, in T2, out TResult>(
    T1 arg1,
    T2 arg2

What are the advantages (and possibly, the reasons for EG decisions) of the existing design over the suggested design?

Or, asked differently, what are the caveats of the suggested design that I might be overlooking (e.g. type inference difficulties, parallelisation constraints, or constraints specific to the reduction operation such as e.g. associativity, anticipation of a future Java's declaration-site variance on BiFunction<in T, in U, out R>, ...)?


  • Crawling through the history of the lambda development and isolating "THE" reason for this decision is difficult - so eventually, one will have to wait for one of the developers to answer this question.

    Some hints may be the following:

    The only justification that I found for not replacing the BinaryOperator with a BiFunction was eventually given in the response to this statement, in the same thread:

    BinaryOperator will not be replaced by BiFunction even if, as you said, it introduce more flexibility, a BinaryOperator ask that the two parameters and the return type to be the same so it has conceptually more weight (the EG already votes on that).

    Maybe someone can dig out a perticular reference of the vote of the Expert Group that governed this decision, but maybe this quote already sufficiently answers the question of why it is the way it is...