I have templates (*.tpl
) in my-snap-app/snaplets/heist/templates
, page1.tpl
, page2.tpl
, page3.tpl
And here's my Main.hs
import Snap.Http.Server
import Snap.Core
import Snap.Snaplet
import Snap.Snaplet.Heist
import Snap.Util.FileServe
import Snap.Util.GZip
import Heist.Interpreted
import Heist
data App = App { _heist :: Snaplet (Heist App) }
makeLenses ''App
instance HasHeist App where
heistLens = subSnaplet heist
How can I:
a) Make all the templates available in my web app? Meaning, I want to be able to access page1.tpl
, page2.tpl
, page3.tpl
, localhost://page2
, localhost://page3
. Should I necessarily add a route for each page or can I add a route to make them accessible all at once?
2) main.tpl
is a main template (layout). How can I make page[123]
use main.tpl
as a master layout template?
The Heist snaplet has a function serveHeist
that acts a lot like serveDirectory
. That will serve all of the templates in templates/ at routes. The haddocks have some more details about, e.g. hiding certain templates that don't make sense on their own.
For composing different templates together, think of templates like functions - you can apply them to other templates, and the result is itself a template. These things all happen in Heist itself, rather than in snap.
The <apply>
tag performs the function application. The argument is the content inside of <apply>
, for example, in page1.tpl
<h1>I'm a function parameter</h1>
The function being applied is main.tpl
, and the parameter is <apply-content>
<h1>Main template.</h1>
The use of <apply>
and <apply-content>
perform the function application and compute a full page, which would be available at the /page1
There is a lot more explanation in the Heist Tutorial. I wonder if the function-application analogy is useful for remembering more of the heist API.