
List of Soundcloud iframe parameters?

I'm working on a CMS, and want to let users embed Soundcloud tunes and playlists.
I'd like to avoid fiddling with the API - since it doesn't appear to be necessary: )
Instead I just piece together an iframe-src-url with the appropriate parameters.
I was unable to find an official list anywhere, so I've collected my own, from various posts here and elsewhere:

&color=FF4444  // play-button and equalizer graphic (if not &visual=true)  
&auto_play=false  // shouls be obvious  
&show_artwork=true  // show the artist-graphic on the left  
&show_comments=true  // show fans commenst under equalizer  
&show_playcount=true  // number of times played @ bottom right  
&hide_related=true  // don't force user over to Soundcloud after play  
&show_user=false  // don't show uploaders name @ top left
&show_reposts=false  // ?
&liking=fals‌​e  // dont show [Like] button  
&visual=true  // use artist-graphic for background (way cooler)  
&buying=false  // no Buy (iTunes) button  
&sharing=false  // no [Share] button  
&download=false  // no download button  
&start_track=4  // start at specific track (for lists)

And guesed : )  
&following=false (removes [Follow] when mouseover artwork)  

What parameters am I missing?

What I really want is Next and Previous buttons for lists. Do they even exist?


  • You're missing:

    download=true // Show/hide download buttons
    sharing=true  // Show/hide share buttons/dialogues
    start_track=0 // Preselects a track in the playlist, given a number between 0 and the length of the playlist.

    Found in the docs.

    It looks like next() and prev() and skip(index) are all methods on the widget rather than parameters. You can get around this by keeping an index of the current track and pass in a value to the start_track parameter as a way to get to the next and previous tracks.