
Spring Security - ACL readAclsById not filtering by SIDs

I'm trying to use Spring Security's readAclsById method in JdbcMutableAclService to retrieve ACLs that are filtered by the SIDs. However, ACLs that are not applicable to the passed-in SIDs are returned.

I'm creating the ACL entry using the username:

public void add(Object domainObject, String username, List<Permission> permissions) {
    MutableAcl acl;

    ObjectIdentity oid = objectIdentityRetrievalStrategy
    Sid receipient = new PrincipalSid(username);
    try {
        acl = (MutableAcl) aclService.readAclById(oid);
    } catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
        acl = aclService.createAcl(oid);
    for(Permission permission:permissions) {
        acl.insertAce(acl.getEntries().size(), permission, receipient, true);

And I'm retrieving ACLs via the Authentication object:

        List<Sid> sids = sidRetrievalStrategy.getSids(authentication);

        List<ObjectIdentity> identities = new ArrayList<>(domainObjects.size());
        for (Object domainObject : domainObjects) {

        Map<ObjectIdentity, Acl> acls = aclService.readAclsById(identities, sids);

        //see what permissions the user has for these objects
        for (Map.Entry<ObjectIdentity, Acl> entry : acls.entrySet()) {
            Acl acl = entry.getValue();
            //entries that are not applicable to the SIDs are returned    
            List<AccessControlEntry> entries = acl.getEntries();

If I log into another username and try to retrieve the ACLs via readAclsById, I also get AccessControlEntry values that belonged to the other usernames. Am I using AclService correctly?


  • I found the answer after some digging around the source code: the default implementation uses BasicLookupStrategy which ignores the SIDs by default.