
UI-Router multiple named views not working

I try to use the multiple named view of UI-Router but it's not working.

See following example to understand my problem :


<body ng-app="startApp">
    <div ui-view="navigation"></div>
    <div ui-view="content"></div>




<h1>My content</h1>


angular.module('startApp', ['ngAnimate', 'ui.router', 'ngFileUpload', 'ngImgCrop'])

.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

        .state('start', {
        url: '/start',
        templateUrl: 'pages/start/start.html',
        controller: 'mainController'

        .state('start.Why', {
        url: '/Why',
        views: {
            'navigation@start': {
                templateUrl: 'pages/start/nav.html'
            'content@start': {
                templateUrl: 'pages/start/content.html'

Problem Nothing is display. Nothing is injected in ui-view.. But if my ui-view hasn't name and my id view is '' instead of 'navigation@start' it's work : navigation.html is display..

I try with '@start' and without. I can't explain what is the problem. My js console is clear.

Can you help me, please ?


  • There is a working plunker

    What we need here, is to create 'start' state's unnamed view placeholder ui-view="", inside of the index.html:

    <body ng-app="startApp">
        <div ui-view=""></div>

    And the start's view will now not contain the ng-app

    <!--<body ng-app="startApp">-->
      <h1>This is a start state view</h1>
      <div>place for child state views</div>
      <hr />
        <div ui-view="navigation"></div>
        <div ui-view="content"></div>

    That is it.. no other change. No root (start) has a target, and child (why) will be properly injected

    Observe the current solution in action here

    Also check:

    Angular UI Router - Nested States with multiple layouts