
Copy/link GitHub repository to a folder

So I have got a github repo, that I use. I would like that every time it updates (there was a new commit), that those files would copy over to my PC.

I have tried using a mklink in the command prompt, but that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?


  • If there are contributors other than yourself making commits to the repo, you can use git fetch to retrieve all new commits or contributions to the repo. To get the latest commits, you want to cd into the repo locally on your machine. Run a git status, to make sure everything is fine and good to go. If everything is clear, you can run a git fetch and that should bring in all of the newest changes into your local repository.

    A great way to avoid merge conflicts, which is the result of having commit overlap while committing and or pushing, is to run a git pull before you git push your newest commits.

    Hope this helps!!