
Does Azure SQL Database support In Memory Optimized Tables?

I'm trying to look at the SQL Server 2014 and In Memory Optimized Tables and it integration with Power BI. And I'm thinking about what is the best way to migrate existing database (contains several In Memory Optimized tables) to Azure? Does Azure SQL Database support In Memory Optimized Tables?



  • According to this MSDN article it is supported in Azure Sql Database and not supported in Azure Sql Data Warehouse. As for Azure Sql Database, it is in preview for Premium Azure SQL databases only. It is not supported neither in Basic nor in Standard tier (see more details in azure-specific documentation).

    If you try to develop for Azure Sql Database using Visual Studio, both versions 2013 and 2015 will show you the following error message (your database project won't compile):

    SQL71578: The element Table: [dbo].[*******] has property IsMemoryOptimized set to a value that is not supported in Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12.   

    At this point you have to consider SQL Server 2014 or 2016 in an Azure VM, but not Azure SQL.