So i wanted to get into Test Driven Development and decided to use Jasmine on my project.
The thing is, i can't load fixtures.
The 2 solutions commonly proposed are :
So i used the first solution, but no result.
Then i set up the routes of my webserver so that localhost/fixture/my_fixture would return the content of my_fixture.html.
So when i manually access localhost/fixture/my_fixture, the content of the fixture is displayed on screen. But in my jasmine spec file, when i use :
jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = 'http://localhost/fixture'
I get the following errors :
Error: Fixture could not be loaded: http://localhost/fixture/quizz_fixture
(status: error, message: Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Failed to load 'http://localhost/fixture/quizz_fixture?_=1455854875950'.)
When i use the URL given in the error, my browser displays the content of the fixture without errors.
Therefore, i don't understand the reason for this error. Does anyone have an insight?
Edit 2
The issue comes from jasmine-jquery, on line 139 below, where the fail function is called. I can't figure out what's happening as the URL that supposedly can't be loaded actually loads just fine in my browser :
jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.loadFixtureIntoCache_ = function (relativeUrl) {
var self = this
, url = this.makeFixtureUrl_(relativeUrl)
, htmlText = ''
, request = $.ajax({
async: false, // must be synchronous to guarantee that no tests are run before fixture is loaded
cache: false,
url: url,
dataType: 'html',
success: function (data, status, $xhr) {
htmlText = $xhr.responseText
}).fail(function ($xhr, status, err) {
throw new Error('Fixture could not be loaded: ' + url + ' (status: ' + status + ', message: ' + err.message + ')')
The result is :
Failed to load 'http://localhost/fixture/quizz_fixture.html?_=1456886216017'
Which works when called in the browser. I just don't get it.
So i found a very unsatisfying solution, but a solution nonetheless.
To summarize
Using chrome, i tried to load jasmine fixture from a local file, which wouldn't work with chrome (this is something known, disabled for security reasons).
I tried using the chrome flag --allow-file-access-from-files but it didn't work. So i gave up on using a fixture from a local file.
I understood that the fixture file had to be served from my web server, which i did. But it didn't work either, because of some Ajax error related to the caching of fixtures. I tried updating my version of jquery (which was a bit old) but it didn't work. In the end, I wasn't able to understand what the issue was.
I downloaded firefox and tried executing the jasmine specRunner with the configuration of point 3 above (fixture served by web server) but again, it didn't work.
Using firefox, I reverted to the method in point 1, which is using a local fixture file, and it did work. I hate that solution, but i need to go forward, so that will do.
If stuck with that kind of issue, save yourself some time and use firefox which will allow the use of a local fixture file.