
jEdit launching from cyberduck FTP on mac

My programming text editor of choice is jEdit on my Mac, but I'm having trouble with a new version I installed.

Cyberduck (mac desktop FTP client) used to be able to launch files for editing. This has stopped working. It downloads the file to a temporary directory just fine. I can open the file, and in fact the FTP syncing mechanism still works fine (cyberduck detects file changes and sends them back) but the file no longer opens automatically. The 'edit' button in cyberduck, does the download, triggers jEdit to get the window focus, but the file doesn't get opened.

How does the file launching mechanism of jEdit work? How might I debug this new issue with it?

I tried setting cyberduck to launch TextEdit instead, and this work fine, so it's a problem with how jEdit launches.


  • Solution: Upgrade to a later version of Cyberduck.

    Upgrading to Cyberduck 4.8.2 fixed this for me. It now launches jEdit with the file as expected.

    I'm not sure if I tried that back when I originally hit this problem, because the problem was triggered by an upgrade of jEdit (to jEdit version 5.3.0) but I think actually this was something going wrong with the way Cyberduck launches applications