I'm new in OpenCV. I'm trying to do a sample to extract the features of a face. I'm rading several papers and one of the most recommended was LBP. I understand how to works LBP descriptor but I read a variant from it. LBP uniform I understand it is as LBP original but once you have binary sequence (e.g you compare a particular pixel with the neighboors and you have next result -> 11110001, I understand there are 2 transitions, so in that case we can say it is uniform because number of transitions is <= 2.
My question is what code I have to comput in that pixel after doing this process. I know with the LBP original wew have 256 values but with this variant from LBP uniform que reduce the number to 59 bins values. So my question is what code I have to put after testing if the number of transitions in every pixel is <=2 or >2.
Thanks! I hope I had explained correctly.
Here's a lookup-table for this, assuming 8 neighbours:
static int uniform[256] =
using this, you just replace the 8-bit lbp value with the one from the LUT:
value = uniform[value];